Interview-seed-starter Questions
- What were your first thoughts upon hearing those fateful phone messages?
- How did you feel upon entering the water-soaked dripping-ceiling sanctuary?
- What opportunities did the organ rebuilding afford- i.e., was there a silver
- You lost a lot of music scores- were they replaceable?
- The organ console was previously located in the corner balcony. Why did
you choose to move it and the choir pews to the center?
- You mentioned the acoustics have improved. How was that accomplished and
is it really better?
- Nothing was mentioned about the pianos and harpsichord. Were they damaged?
- How grueling was it to be without the organ for so long?
- You've described the pipe organ instrument as an extension of your self
to create the music. Tell us about your connection with this otherwise seemingly
mechanical monstrosity. How did it feel to see it being carted away for
long to be rebuilt?
- How did the choir and congregation pull together during the rebuilding
efforts? Did the congregation dwindle any while the services were held in
Unity Hall?
- There were
a lot of "clever" improvements to the operation and sound of the instrument
that Steve Russell included. Tell us about these.