Worcester Chapter of the American Guild of Organists
founded 1949
great city should have a few great pipe organs...
has 25 (at least!)
Massachusetts instruments (see below)
fine instruments in the Worcester Area
Auditorium (AUD)
Kimball Op7119 (1933) IV/122 EP (building closed, last public concert in 2016)
St Peters R C
Casavant Op 2938 (1967) III/53 EP
Pilgrim Congregational
Hutchings/Hall/Baker Op 70 (1873) III/34 EP
Worcester Polytechnical Institute (WPI) Aeolian Skinner Op
1034 (1941-2) III/35 EP (unplayable)
Blessed Sacrament
E.M. Skinner Op. 736 (1928) III/28 EP
Christ the King R C
Casavant (1974) II/24 EP
First Congregational
Austin Op. 2341(1960) II/24 EP
Emanuel Lutheran
Cooper (1988) II/30 M
Emmanuel Baptist
Austin Op 24 (1898) II/16 EP
Our Lady of Mount Carmel American Classic Organ Co. (Wicks originally)
St John's Episcopal
Casavant (1968) II/16 EP
St John's R C
Hook & Hastings
Op 1660 1895 2m M
Sacred Heart R C
Johnson & Son Op 731 (1890) rebuilt Earle Reed 1956 EP (now DE)
St George's Cathedral (Anna St) Andover 2m M
Adams Square Baptist (Lincoln St) George Reed (1901)
2m M (last original tracker in Worcester)
Salem Covenant (East Mountain St) Reuter (1970) II
St Stephen's R C
George Reed III EP (formerly II M)
St Bernard's R C
Skinner Op. 781 (1929) III/30 EP (unaltered)
First Presbyterian Gilbert
and Butler (1895) II M
Pleasant Street Baptist Ryder
Op. 163 (1891) II/20 EP
Hadwen Park Congregational
Estey Op. 3087 (1938) II/7 EP
Rural Cemetery Chapel, Worcester
(Grove St.) Frazee (1950?) II/4 (DE?)
St John Ev Lutheran Church, Sudbury
JW Walker (1989) II/27 M
Holy Name of Jesus RC Worcester
Moller Op.2157 (1917+1961+2001) III/24 (EP)
Gilbertville Congregational Johnson & Son, 1847,
II/13 M
Areas in Massachusetts
Sudbury Methodist (SUMC) Stuart 1976 II/20
Millbury: First Congregational
Mother Church Aeolian Skinner History
Provincetown: Meetinghouse UU Church Holbrook II/18 (Russell)
Gardner: Holy Rosary Estey II/22
Thompson Connecticut, 1893 Johnson &
Son, Opus 409
Princeton, Mass, First Congregational, Cole 1904
Wentworth (NH) Congregational Church H&H II/7 (1878)
Residential Instruments in Central Massachusetts
Sterling MA - 1988 JW Walker M II/20 + DE 10
Sterling MA
- 1870 S S Hamill M I/7
Lancaster MA - 1992 JW Walker M II/3
Shrewsbury MA 2015 Bigelow M II/7
Worcester MA
OHS BSC Organ Database, browse by builder
Listing of Pipe Organs in the United States
Largest Pipe Organs, ordered by number of ranks

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